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Home • Russian as Foreign

Department of the Russian as a Foreign Language

Position Full Name Phone number Email Building Office
Head of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Pre-University Training Evgeny Yuryevich Vidanov (3812) 24-39-81 vidanov@omgpu.ru 2 205
Specialist in Educational and Methodological Work of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Pre-University Training Ledeneva Vera Petrovna (3812) 24-39-81   2 205
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Pre-University Training Shutyak Marina Alekseevna (3812) 24-39-81   2 205

The Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Pre-University Training is one of the youngest and dynamically developing departments of Omsk State Pedagogical University. The history of the department began in 1991, when the first Chinese citizens were enrolled to the preparatory department of the Faculty of Philology. Since September 2020, the responsibilities of the department have been significantly expanded with Pre-University Training.

Currently, the department specialists develop programmes for language and socio-cultural adaptation of migrants in the Omsk region by means of corresponding teaching and methodological resources (including multimedia content).

Students and teachers of the department organize creative competitions, cultural and country studies, ethnographic festivals, which promote tolerant interethnic communication.

Graduates of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Pre-University Training  successfully work in various positions in foreign companies in China, Germany, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkministan, and other countries, ensuring a high level of business contacts with Russia.

The department has a bright and rich social and cultural life. Students and teachers attend exhibitions, performances, concerts, organize creative and sports competitions which promote mutual enrichment in the spiritual sphere.

To learn more about the Department of Russian language teaching and learning you can follow the links:

October 2023