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Структура университета Версия для слабовидящих

Guest from Uzbekistan at Omsk State Pedagogical University


OSPU maintains good relations with universities in neighboring countries, many students study at our university in bachelor's degree and master's degree programs. In addition, this spring, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Methods of Teaching Geography  Petr Vladimirovich Bolshanik  visited universities in Uzbekistan: Bukhara State University, where he participated in the presentation of a collective textbook, and Navoi State Mining and Technology University, where a meeting was held on international cooperation between representatives of scientific schools of the Asian region.

Head of the Department of Ecology and Geography of Bukhara State University Yokub Davronovich Kholov arrived on a return visit from Uzbekistan. Together with our teachers and staff, he planned a rich program, including a joint scientific study on the topic "Geoecological problems of anthropogenic transformation of the relief of cities."

Yokub Davronovich is visiting Omsk and OSPU for the second time. Yesterday he met with rector Natalia Stanislavovna Makarova and congratulated her on her recent approval for the post, and also invited her to Bukhara State University. The meeting discussed the prospects for teaching students of both universities in exchange and plans for joint scientific activities and publishing books, talked about the peculiarities of Omsk and its relief, shared their experience in organizing intra-university work.

Also, Yokub Davronovich gave a short interview.

Office of International Cooperation