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Структура университета Версия для слабовидящих

Foreign students choose OSPU


On November 6, a meeting with foreign students studying Russian took place at the International Multimedia Center "Eurasia Today". Foreign students from Omsk State Pedagogical University also came to talk about their studies.

According to Marina Shutyak, senior lecturer at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Pre-University Training, foreigners learn Russian for different purposes: some for the sake of interest, some for work and building a career in Russia, and some, for example, to read Dostoevsky in the original language.

"Learning is different for everyone as there are different obstacles, languages and language systems, but all of our students handle it successfully. The most challenging thing for everyone, in my opinion, is verbs of motion. Students have difficulty mastering them because they often do not have these kind of verbs in their native language. There are also difficulties in understanding the categories of verb aspect and gender. Not all languages have such categories," the lecturer said. According to the expert, every year the number of foreigners wishing to study Russian in local universities increases.

At the meeting, foreign students noted that cartoons, as well as Soviet and modern Russian films, help them learn the language. Usually they begin reading with such simple Russian folk tales as "Kolobok" and "Ryaba the Hen", and only then move on to reading the classics. When studying the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, they often have to analyze every fragment and every word.

Office of International Cooperation